urban neighborhoods of low socioeconomic status should be able to
pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get out of the cycle of
crime in which they find themselves.”
The City of New
York began a policy known as “Zero Tolerance” in 1994 to reduce
crime levels in that city. The policy was sponsored by newly elected
mayor Rudolph Guliani, and was based upon the “Broken Windows”
theory put forward by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling. The
“Broken Windows” theory suggests that crime results from social
disorder, and that relatively minor offenses such as vandalism,
“broken windows” for example, can cause this social order if not
“In concluding
that disorder causes fear of crime and also leads to more serious
crime, Wilson and Kelling were proposing a different approach to
dealing with crime. The underpinnings of this proposed approach lay
in the ability of police and citizens to work together to maintain
order in the community.” (Orlando, 1997, p.7) Following from this,
the goal of “Zero Tolerance” was to arrest people these minor
crimes, which were also referred to as “quality-of-life” crimes.
“For example, young persons suspected of criminal or gang
involvement were arrested for relatively minor crimes such as driving
without a licence, driving through a stop light or loitering”
(Marshall, 1999, p.3) The “Zero Tolerance” initiative of New York
is interesting to examine due to it's controversial nature, and the
amount of study, both pro and con, made of the endeavor.
“Zero Tolerance”
had the appearance of working in New York. In 2008, “the murder
rate in New York has fallen to its lowest since reliable
record-keeping started.” (Wigmore, 2008, para. 2). However, there
were claims that the drop in crime rates was not due to “Zero
Tolerance” but rather to other factors. The first counter claim
was that New York benefited from the same drop in crime rates that
the nation as a whole experienced; however, data shows that New York
had reductions in the crime rate from 200% to 400% greater than the
United States' rate:
(Orlando, 1999, p.2)
Another claim is
made that New York's drop in crime rates was the result of the end of
the crack epidemic. “If there is, as seems likely,a link between
expanding drug markets, availability of guns and increases in
violence, a reversal of those conditions would be associated with a
decrease in violence” (Bowling, 1999, p 539). In addition,
management reform of the New York Police Department by newly
appointed police Commissioner , William Bratton, has also been
credited with the reduction in the crime rate. Judith Greene
contends that “He directly confronted the common wisdom of many
experts--and, perhaps, most New Yorkers--that the NYPD was too large,
too rigid, too bureaucratic, and too parochial to be able to embrace
the kinds of radical changes in policies and practices that would be
required in a serious effort to win measurable reductions of the
city's high crime rates. And he proved that they were wrong.”
(1999. p.171)
The “Broken
Windows” theory has it's clearest theoretical underpinnings in the
social disorganization micro-theory of the Chicago School. Social
disorganization theory “is based on a conception of primary
relationships similar to those found in a village. If relationships
in the family and friendship groupings are good, neighborhoods are
stable and cohesive, and people have a sense of loyalty to the area,
then social organization is sound” (Williams & McShane, 2014,
p.50). Kelling and Wilson contend that “two things must be borne in
mind. First, outside observers should not assume that they know how
much of the anxiety now endemic in many big-city neighborhoods stems
from a fear of "real" crime and how much from a sense that
the street is disorderly, a source of distasteful, worrisome
encounters. The people of Newark, to judge from their behavior and
their remarks to interviewers, apparently assign a high value to
public order, and feel relieved and reassured when the police help
them maintain that order. “(1982, para. 10) Fear and disorder are
in direct conflict with a stable and cohesive neighborhood.
And yet the method
developed under the auspices of “Broken Windows” theory to
control crime, the “Zero Tolerance” policy, depends heavily on
the tactics of arrest and incapacitation These tactics are based
upon Classical school principles. The argument could be made that
arrest and incapacitation lead to the normalization of social mores
on criminals, and thus that they are methods linked to the social
control theory, in which “people
are somehow socialized into the major values and lifeways of society.
Deviance occurs when socialization somehow breaks down.” (Williams
& McShane, 1998, p.268).
“Zero Tolerance” policy does not address issues brought up under
the cultural transmission theory or the differential association
theory, as methods were not inroduced with the purpose of removing
the “teachers of crime” that these theories suggest cause crime.
The policy does not address symbolic
interactionism theory, either, as the methods do not suggest an
attempt to consider criminals as a product of their social
Tolerance” policy could address the issues considered under the
cultural transmission and the differential association theories by
targeting gang leadership, and particularly the leadership of
juvenile gangs. This would remove the authority figures that both
teach crime and provide normalization for deviant behavior. Symbolic
interactionism theory suggests that “social
meaning was created through interaction and subjective interpretation
with others” (Henry, 2009, p.4); in order to be effective
policemen, police need to justify their work, “For instance, for
one key
interactionist, …, deviance is not ‘a quality that lies in
behaviour itself, but in the interactions between the person who
commits an act and those who respond to it’. The police are primary
‘rule enforcers’ in this moral enterprise who must justify their
work and win the respect of those they deal with.” (McLaughlin,
2006, p.50)
Bowling, B. (1999,
Autumn). The rise and fall of New York murder: Zero Tolerance or
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Greene, J. (1999, April). Zero
Tolerance: A case study of police policies and practices in New York
City. Crime & Delinquency, Vol. 45 Issue 2. Retrieved
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Henry, S. (2009). Social construction of
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G. & Wilson, J. (1982, March 1). Broken windows: The police and
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Marshall, J. (1999,
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Orlando, J. (1997).
?Fighting crime from the ground up: The "Zero Tolerance"
approach. GW Policy Perspectives. Retrieved April 15, 2014
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Wigmore, B. (2008,
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F. & McShane, M. (1998) Criminology Theory: Selected Classic
Readingss (2nd
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F. & McShane, M. (2014) Criminology Theory (6th edition). Pearson
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