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Homeland Security: The Sworn Duty of Public Officials

Homeland Security: The Sworn Duty of Public Officials     The United States has a unique position amongst the countries of the world;...

Friday, April 24, 2015

Course Bibliography

Week 1

Kain, E. (2011, August 3). The inexplicable war on lemonade stands. Forbes. Retrieved August 8, 2014 from http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2011/08/03/the-inexplicable-war-on-lemonade-stands/

Rasmussen, S. (2014, August 4). Nanny-state mindset leads to police brutality. Real Clear Politics. Retrieved August 8, 2014 from http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/08/04/nanny-state_mindset_leads_to_police_brutality_123537.html

Stojkovic, S. (2014). Criminal justice organizations [VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved August 8, 2014 from http://digitalbookshelf.southuniversity.edu/books/9781305465695/outline/2

Zhao, J., Thurman, Q., & He, N. (1999). Sources of job satisfaction among police officers: A test of demographic and work environment models. Justice Quarterly, 16(1), 153–173. doi:10.1080/07418829900094091

I selected these links for the discussion on how I would re-organize my police force. I selected news stories to illustrate a current trend in law enforcement that I feel undermines the criminal justice system. As the organization of any agency depends on the goals of the agancy, I selected stories that would support the focus in goals I would set in that situation.

Week 2

Campbell, N. (2006). Correctional leadership competencies for the 21st century: Manager and supervisor levels. National Institute of Corrections, DOJ. Retrieved August 15, 2014 from http://static.nicic.gov/Library/020475.pdf

McCallum, D. (n.d.). Leadership within the Florida Department of Corrections. Florida Department of Corrections Retrieved August 15, 2014 from http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Content/getdoc/5ca27f87-d4c4-4a79-b01f-11cc95e24af9/McCallum-David-paper-pdf.aspx

Stallworth, R. (2013, June 11). The war beyond the walls:We are under attack inside the walls and now outside of them as well. CorrectionsOne. Retrieved August 17, 2014, from http://www.correctionsone.com/officer-safety/articles/6270478-The-war-beyond-the-walls/

The COPS Office. (2009, September).Police labor relations: Interest-based problem-solving and the power of collaboration.Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, DOJ. Retrieved August 15, 2014 from http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/html/dispatch/September_2009/labor_relations.htm

The COPS Office. (2011). The impact of the economic downturn on American police agencies. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, DOJ. Retrieved August 15, 2014 from http://cops.usdoj.gov/files/RIC/Publications/e101113406_Economic%20Impact.pdf

WATCH: Surveillance video of strong-arm robbery tied to Michael Brown. (2014) Fox News. Retrieved August 15, 2014 fromhttp://nation.foxnews.com/2014/08/15/watch-surveillance-video-strong-arm-robbery-tied-michael-brown

Wright, K. (1999, June 22). Leadership is the key to ethical practice in criminal justice agencies. Criminal Justice Ethics. Retrieved August 15, 2014 from http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Leadership+Is+the+Key+to+Ethical+Practice+in+Criminal+Justice...-a060060343

Week 2 was about factors that affect the goals of organizations, including ethics, resources, morale, public perception (including propaganda conducted against the organization); the discussion also pursued differences in leadership models. The week culminated with a paper focused on morale issues within the prison system.

Week 3

Bjelopera, J., & Finklea, K. M. (2014). Domestic Federal law enforcement coordination: Through the lens of the Southwest border. Congressional Research Service. Retrieved August 22, 2014 from http://fas.org/sgp/crs/homesec/R43583.pdf

Bodor, T., Thompson, F., & Demirçivi, F. (2003). Criminal justice cultures in the United States: A context for understanding aspects of organizational change. Center for Technology in Government. Retrieved August 19, 2014 from https://ctg.albany.edu/publications/journals/hpa_2004_criminal/hpa_2004_criminal.pdf

Louthan, W. C. (1974). Relationships Among Police, Court, and Correctional Agencies. Policy Studies Journal, 3(1), 30–37. Retrieved August 22, 2014 from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1541-0072.1974.tb01124.x/abstract

Miller, W. (1973). Ideology and criminal justice policy: Some current issues. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 64(2). Retrieved August 19, 2014 from http://www.hhs.csus.edu/Homepages/CJ/BikleB/Miller%20-%20Ideology%20and%20Criminal%20Justice%20Policy.htm

O'Leary, V., and Newman, D. (1970, July). Conflict resolution in criminal justice.
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 7:2 pp. 99-119, doi: 10.1177/002242787000700201

Welsh, W. N., & Pontell, H. N. (1991). Counties in court: Interorganizational adaptations to jail litigation in California. Law and Society Review, 73–101. Retreived August 21, 2014 from http://www.jstor.org/stable/3053890

Week 3 discussion revolved around organizational conflict; both within an agency, and between organizations. I chose sources that gave examples of conflict as well as sources that illustrated how that conflict was resolved. I also chose sources that explained how specific conflict originated.

Week 4

Ebbesen, E. and Konecni, V. (1985). Criticisms of the criminal justice system: A decision making analysis. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 3(2), 177–194. Retrived August 29, 2014 from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pbh&AN=12584413&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Harris, P. M., Petersen, R. D., & Rapoza, S. (2001). Between probation and revocation: A study of intermediate sanctions decision-making. Journal of Criminal Justice, 29(4), 307–318. doi:10.1016/S0047-2352(01)00090-3

Jones, M., & Kerbs, J. J. (2007). Probation and parole officers and discretionary decision-making: responses to technical and criminal violations. Federal Probation, 71(1), 9–15,60. Retrived August 29, 2014 from http://search.proquest.com.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/docview/213979040?pq-origsite=summon

Payne, B. K., & DeMichele, M. (2011). Probation Philosophies and Workload Considerations. American Journal of Criminal Justice: AJCJ, 36(1), 29–43. doi:10.1007/s12103-010-9101-3

Schwalbe, C. S., & Maschi, T. (2009). Investigating probation strategies with juvenile offenders: The influence of officers’ attitudes and youth characteristics. Law and Human Behavior, 33(5), 357–67. doi:http://dx.doi.org.southuniversity.libproxy.edmc.edu/10.1007/s10979-008-9158-4

Shook, J. J., & Sarri, R. C. (2007). Structured decision making in juvenile justice: Judges’ and probation officers’ perceptions and use. Children and Youth Services Review, 29(10), 1335–1351. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2007.05.008

In week 4, we investigated decsion-making in organizations and the factors that affected that. The week 4 paper centered on the reorganization of a juvenile agency based on setting goals and exploring the decision-making process that affects those goals. I selected sources that dealt with the factors that decision-makers had to consider within community corrections organizations.

Week 5

Nicholson-Crotty, S., Peterson, D. A. M., & Ramirez, M. D. (2009). Dynamic representation(s): Federal criminal justice policy and an alternative dimension of public mood. Political Behavior, 31(4), 629–655. doi:10.1007/s11109-009-9085-1

Petersilia, J. (1987). The influence of criminal justice research. RAND, Santa Monica, CA. Retrieved September 3, 2014 from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/106799NCJRS.pdf

Pratt, T., Gau, J., & Franklin, T. (2011). Key ideas in criminology and criminal justice. SAGE Publications. Retrieved September 3, 2014 from http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/36811_6.pdf

Sarre, R. (1999). Beyond “What Works?”A 25 year jubilee retrospective. Presented at the History of Crime, Policing and Punishment Conference, Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. Retrieved September 3, 2014 from

Willis, J. J. (2013). Improving police: What’s craft got to do with it? Ideas in American Policing, 16. Retrieved August 10, 2014 from https://www.policefoundation.org/sites/g/files/g798246/f/201306/IAP16_Willis_2.pdf

The Week 5 discussion was varied; however, three issues could be said to dominate, how public opinion affects criminal justice agencies, how research has affected how criminal justice agencies are organized, and the process of change within agencies. I selected sources on that basis.

Week 6 – Summary

How did you determine the sources for the data?
I use two types of searches for sources; in the first, I use the “Library Resources” page from the “My Academics” on the SUO website, finally selecting only peer-reviewed studies. In the second, I use Bing Search and look for peer-reviewed studies, but I mainly look for government or think tank research when using Bing.

I use a program called Zotero to save my research results; when using the SUO “Library Resources” pages, I can use 1 clcik functionality to save the study to my research library. Zotero allows me to set tags to sources, so that I can skim a study for relevance, tag it for further reading ( as an example, I could tag a source I intend to use for this week's discussion as “wk6disc1”), and quickly move on to further research. (Zotero can also save web pages)

Where did you concentrate the majority of your research?
I have moved from using the Bing search to now using the Library Resources/Zotero combination for the ease of use. In addition, by using peer-based studies, the information I use is more likely to be accurate (and thus accepted by those reviewing my work)

I do find that I have a tendency to collect more material then I use, and to skim material that I know I won't use for the current project. On the other hand, I can save any info I find interesting to my Zotero database for possible later use.

How did you analyze the data to convert to information to capture the main points of the material?
Unfortunately, due to the compressed time nature of the online program, most of the time I am scanning a study for a a support for a point I am trying to make. I very rarely read the entire study. I have gone back later to read a study and find that I used an argument out of context three times in 5 courses. I do try to use support quotes that are quantitive/objective as opposed to those based on judgement, but I don't hesitate to use point-of-view perspective as long as I identify it as such.

If anyone is interested in Zotero, their website is

I haven't quite learned how to share my library yet, but I think you can see it at

For those interested in networking, I'm at

I'm sorry I haven't interacted with everyone in the class, it was a BIG class this time around. Thanks to everybody for their insights!

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